Spiagge d’Abruzzo Cup – Speciale 20^edizione


Termine iscrizioni 28/02/2016

Contatti : Cerasi Camillo 3387010493 – Mattioli Rosa:3476506178


 22/04/2016 FridayArrival at Roseto

By 12.00 a.m. – Check-in at hotel – lunch

 2.30 p.m.  – Opening ceremony at Arena 4 Palme.

Starting point at 2 p.m. from sea-front promenade (Lungomare) meeting at 1.45 p.m. at sea-front promenade close to the central fountain. Parents, relatives and friends will wait for the teams arrival at Arena 4 Palme, where the introduction takes place. Prize-giving ceremony to all participating teams and medal to every attending player.

We remind that participation is compulsory

From 5.00 p.m.  on 22.04.2016 – Starting of qualifying matches

 23/04/2016 Saturday

Qualifying matches

24/04/2016 Sunday

Morning: qualifying matches

Afternoon: semifinal matches

25/04/2016 Monday

Morning: all categories finals – Fonte dell’Olmo Stadium

About the author: admin